Crunchy Goodness: Hoppa Foods’ Insect Protein Snacks

Are you looking for a tasty and healthy snack? Look no further! Hoppa Foods has something special for you – insect protein snacks! You might be surprised, but these snacks are not only delicious but also good for the planet.

Hoppa Foods uses cricket flour to make their snacks. Cricket flour? Yes, that’s right! It’s made from ground-up crickets. Crickets are a great source of protein and other nutrients. And the best part? They’re sustainable! Crickets need much less water and land compared to other animals, like cows. So, by eating cricket snacks, you’re helping the environment too.

But don’t worry, these snacks taste amazing! Hoppa Foods offers a variety of flavors, from classic to adventurous. Whether you like sweet or savory, there’s something for everyone. Plus, they come in eco-friendly packaging, so you can feel good about your choice.

Insect protein snacks might sound strange at first, but trust us, they’re worth trying. Not only are they tasty and nutritious, but they also contribute to a more sustainable food system. So, the next time you’re craving a snack, reach for Hoppa Foods’ insect protein snacks and enjoy guilt-free munching!


Hoppa Foods’ insect protein snacks are a delicious and sustainable snack option. Made with cricket flour, they offer a crunchy and nutritious treat for snack lovers. With a variety of flavors and eco-friendly packaging, Hoppa Foods is leading the way towards a more sustainable snacking future.

Published by Hoppa Foods

Hoppa energy bars are perfect as a healthy treat, for the office, in kid's lunchboxes, as an on-the-go snack, and more. For a protein-rich pre- or post-workout snack, pick up a Hoppa cricket energy bar. Including full amino acids, omega fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and potassium, each bar has 11g of pure protein. Hoppe insect protein is Dairy Free Energy Bar & wheat-free available with free shipping in Australia.

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